Slow, but Sure Progress…

While I’ve not had much to post about or new releases to the libraries over this last year, there have been changes going on slowly in the background (when I get a few hours to dedicate to it) from time to time, as I do have a few small projects in the works that need new capabilities. The things I’ve been working on are:

  1. I’ve got the DCC library working with the AVR Tiny 85 processor to use as a signal decoder. I had a friend design a small Signal Decoder PCB for driving 4 LEDs. I’ve not got the LED PWM dimming all sorted yet, but it should be nice once I do…
  2. There’s also some work being done to provide support for the LocoNet SV and LocoNet CV protocols. This will let me port my LocoBOD project to the Arduino environment.

Hopefully in a few months I’ll have these projects working, so keep an eye out for another update… 😉